Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I was thinking of something that happened a couple of years ago. I was eating at some fast food place and some guy sitting near me started talking to me. He said something like "**** is my name, pooten tang is my game..." He said that he was related to someone famous and started asking me questions about law school. I just finished my food hastily and got out of there as soon as possible. Was I "sleeping" because I didn't dial 911 and grab a can of mace?

I rarely hold onto the past. I remember good times and even go so far as to blog them occasionally. I don't hold onto it unless it is a past that is plausibly revisited. I usually don't hold onto bad feelings because if anything unforgivably ergregious happens I believe in disassociating. If I am not going to encounter them or remnants of what they have done in the past why think of that? There is no valid reason why I couldn't return to some variation of my Los Angeles life in the near future. Since that is something that would be cool I view it that way. I don't know that many of the same people are still around and things have changed, but such is life. Aside from that, there isn't much of a plausible possibility of the past being revisited. Some people need things to be perceived as they were 15 years ago for the sake of their argument. That works sometimes but, in regards to my own life, its not plausible. You won't get any encouraging of that sort of thing on my end. At the age of thirty, if I havent seen someone in ten years I have no idea what to expect when I encounter often. I can't relate to the kind of life that makes it likely that who a person was at 15 is only marginally different than who they are at 30. (I get bothered more than most people about something like that so I continue to blog about it. I am probably too nice: People bother a**holes a lot less)

I attempt to start over in life but it is difficult. In the past I have lacked some level of understanding of the things/people that I needed to leave behind. I perceive it as cancer: a doctor has to have a level of understanding of the cancer that allows him/ her to target the cancer and not leave remnants of the cancers or cut away something benign during the treatment process. I have not been very effective at removing cancer from my life (I don't literally have cancer, its an analogy). I can't start over into infinity so I have to make the next time count. All things considered I am probably missing to some extent but I don't know how to sort something like that out.

Some anonymous comment poster thought that I seemed confused. I wouldn't say that having my accounts hacked constantly and having my e-mail address canceled (among other things) is "confusing." There isn't really any dissonance in my mind about that. I think that peanut butter and jelly togther doesn't make sense to that person. I guess it depends on who you ask.... I don't have a problem with people who see things differently than me, but allow me to interact with someone else when all is said and done if we don't see eye to eye. Don't continue to bother me.

Friday, April 23, 2010


I don't like to be confused with anyone else. I don't want that to happen but there is only so much that anyone would plausibly do to ensure that he is not confused with someone else. It is Unavoidable to a certain extent but I am Original enough to make that highly unlikely...

I always find it interesting when people insist that a person take full responsibility for their current circumstances. I am one of the most forgiving people that I have ever encountered but I am not obssessed with forgiveness by any stretch of the imagination. I refuse to take responsibilty for someone else hacking my online accounts (among other things). If you truly know what I have been through (Or have any idea), I am going to call you on it if you suggest that my current circumstance is my own doing. You are going to have to produce the evidence of the village that I raped, pillaged and burned to the ground. Obviously that did not happen but certainly that time that I littered when I was five years old does not mean that I deserved the negative things that have happened to me.

No: I will Never be back in Detroit again. My ever having been there was not a commitment to ever being there again. People choose the most outrageous set of occurences/ circumstances to base expectations on.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Simply Thursday

One of my accounts was canceled yesterday. If you try to contact me at andre.shannon@live.com you will not be able to reach me unless I can have the account reopened. I have had blogged about many problems that I have had with my e-mail accounts. Having my information altered in the past was a big deal, but I think that someone having my account canceled is the summit of outrageous problems that I could have with that account. That was my account: I created it! Imagine having the account that you used for 80& of your jobseach canceled. Whoever is tracking me/ causing me these problems is Very good at that sort of thing...

I am surprised that more people don't claim to have turetts so that they can say what they want to say whenever they want and get away with it. I hear people blurt out so much outrageous stuff during a day that I wonder why my location is not called the Turettes capital of the world sometimes. Most people around here don't blurt out "Cuckold!", "Insane!" etc constantly but enough people do this to make it very noticable, though. No one ever says anything about it to these people, though, I wonder why... Would a person really be out of line to ask them what their problem is after a while?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

More of the same...

Orange County is a lot different than I expected it to be. I am certain that it looks a lot different from someone elses vantage point but I expected it to look more like Westwood.

I am having one of those weird days where I ask someone for a pen then their response is something like "There's 2 pens in each of your ears right now." Then I say "oh yeah, how could I have forgotten that..."

Still doing jobsearch. If anyone has heard of any openings...

I wrote about problems, events, and incidents that I have had in my life in this blog. A lot of it seemed very foreign when it was occuring: This is part of the reason why I didn't respond differently at the time. Is what I have described as occuring (felonies, etc) in life common somewhere?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Random Thoughts

I am still looking for a job and located in Southern, CA in case anyone wondered...

Being able to jump out of the stadium doesn't necessarily get basketball players a spot on a professional team, but it does get you a spot on a College team. Thus, I will be watching the College slam dunk contes the next time that it is on television.
It seemes like the key to winning is to make sure that your nose is above the rim on every dunk.

One thing that has occurred over the past few years is I have gained a more advanced understanding of how any given person came to be standing in front of me: An understanding that goes beyond the person telling me what part of town they are from or where they were born. Some of these people were beyond me somehow. Others would have some other explanation for why they were where they are. The road of knowing these sorts of things is a treacherous one, though. Most people would prefer not to know.

If a guy become visibly aroused while talking to a girl, he is perceived as being very aggressive regardless of his intentions. As if a guy can really control that sort of thing...

I think that I get carpetbagged more than most people. Whenever there is some turmoil in my life some remote person is always there to benefit from it.

I think I am the only person who gets asked questions like whether I think that the resurrection of Christ might be some sort of "Grudge". Don't ask me stuff like that...