Thursday, November 4, 2010


I am nostalgic lately. Lately I will read about something from some point in time in my life that actually had an upside to it and it will cause me to reminisce a bit. I was surfing the web and I saw an article about the play N*W*C. I was like, "Wow, that play is still going! I was there when it started! I was there!" I remember seeing those guys while I was walking through UCLA's campus all of the time when they were spreading the word about and beginning to show the play for the first time. I was there!! I felt like I was reliving the magic all over again when I was reading the article...

The weather has been better recently. That two week stretch where it rained recently was weird.

I have been getting a lot of scathing commetns posted on this blog recently. I haven't decided whether I will post those comments yet. It makes me wonder: Who is reading this blog?

Lately I have been doing a workout that a personal trainer told me about in starbucks years ago. If I recall correctly he worked at Bodies in Motion in Los Angeles. I don't think that I have ever gained so much respect for anyone in their field of expertiese as I gained for that guy when he gave me that workout advice. It Easily gave me and continues to give me the best results that I have ever seen...

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