Monday, July 30, 2007


Recently I was watching a documentary on one of those channels that only shows documentaries. They always seem to have some documentary about Albert Einstein's dating life or the evolution of cats showing. I saw one documentary that actually seemed interesting so I decided to watch. It was about Ancient Egypt and the building of the pyramids/ mummies.

The most interesting thing was that there were so many "near as we can figure"s and "we really don't know how they did this"'s in the documentary. This led me to wonder about these questions and similar mysteries that remain unanswered: Is it that we really can't answer these questions or is it that most people who have the aptitude to figure these things out are not interested. I know a lot of brilliant people who might want to watch a documentary and get the answer to these questions, but have no desire to do what it takes to join a project where people are attempting to answer these questions...