Wednesday, February 18, 2009


People who I have talked to think that I have changed since 2005. I may have changed somewhat but my circumstances have changed a lot more than me. You go from hanging out on the beach in Santa Monica to living in very hostile environments and it changes you. No one is getting killed around me, but that about it...

I was thinking about a conversation that I had with someone a while ago. This is not the exact conversation...but generally the same idea. I told someone that I had an omelet for breakfast and they didnt believe me. I was taken aback by this: Why didn't this person take my word for it? I said, "You dont believe that I have eggs at home? What's the deal with that?" I still think that that was a bit excessive, but i think that guy might have been onto something: Plenty of lies are told...Lies are told about things that there is no apparent reason to lie about all of the time. If you take someone's word for something and they lie to you once or twice it probbably doesn't matter. It all adds up over time, though...

Recently, I was thinking about a show called TV Funhouse that aired on Comedy Central circa 2000. That show was an interesting example of how animation makes concepts less menacing. They literally turned "going there" into an artform. Every skit...I was sitting there thinking "OMG..they are going to go there!!" No topic was off limits. If you have animation and/or handpuppets airing in the evening, you can get away with a lot...

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