Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A High Price To Pay

More of the same for me recently...not much new to report...It has been so long since I blogged that I figured that I would post an entry...

I see a lot of situations where someone owes someone else...I was thinking about a high price that I saw someone pay for borrowing money...Once I was in my room when I hear, "Clean the living room, then when you are finished cleaning the living room proceed to the upstairs bathroom! There are a lot of things that you can do to maintain a clen living environment if you don't have money for groceries, Sir!!" The guy who was cleaning looked so embarrassed. Seemed like a high price to pay...

I saw some girls who were Obviously going out for the night. They were dressed up and everything. IT has been more than a year since I have gone out. That made me think of how long it had been.

Someone commented about the fact that I live "in the boonies" now. I guess thats a way to look at it. I live near some horses (which is a text book definition of being far out beyond "way out") but thats not really typical of what happend in my So Cal area...


Anonymous said...

what's new blogsmith?

Anonymous said...

hope you're doin' better than me.