Friday, April 3, 2009

4/3/09 (for lack of a Better Name For this Blog Entry)

There are like a zillion differences between being in SoCal and Michigan. One difference thatI have noticed is "sign language." I think that people tend to know Verbal sign language in Socal. It bridges the gap between you and whoever you are interacting with until you "Connect" with the person. That goes for any any set of interactions. I feel that in Michigan, you either connect with people or you don't. Either you are on the same wavelength as people or they are puzzled by you... My "signing" is ineffective...

I was thinking of my Vigilante Justice Blog Entry. I guess that, in general, it is normal for certain things to happen outside of the established process. My thing about it is that it often happens to me when it should not and almost always works against me. I am the guy who ends up with some used car salesman (who is not a physician) performing Open heart surgery on me b/c he knew someone at the hospital. If I survive they act like I don't have a legitimate gripe. Thats no good at all...

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