Monday, March 23, 2009

The Workout

I killed a brain cell or two this weekend, so this particular blog might be lagging a bit...I hope to get back into my hardcore workout soon. Its interesting: Whether I am a little bit out of shape or more out of shape than that it takes me about two months to get back to where I want to be. Thanks to the 3 phase workout as taught to me by the personal trainer at Starbucks, I can always count on that. I am not sure whether that is remarkable or not but it doesn't require too much patience...

I learn a lot of things that are true exactly where I heard it and not universally. Lately I am tryin to figure out how to incorporate those idea into my life if at all...

I talked to the authorities about my accounts getting hacked into. They said that it is a fairly common occurence and is Consistent with Identity theft. One of my blog entries was in the ballpark of being about Identity theft so I though it to be ironic. They said that my online accounts have been Completely compromised and that at this point I should Cancel all of my accounts, get rid of all of my phone numbers and contact info, replace my hard drive, Contact the Credit Unions, and Start over Completely. According to them, that is normally what a person has to do when they are in my circumstance. It seems weird that they would recommend starting over as oppsed to fiuguring out where people you have lost ocntact with are. If this paragraph is unreliable, you can blame the authorities...

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