Friday, January 15, 2010


Pau Gasol shoots an unheard of field goal percentage for someone who shoots jumpers and or shoots often. People play in the post, only dunk, and don't shoot that high of a percentage. I don't know whether commentators talk about that a lot: After a while, I tend to be more focused on watching the game than listening to the commentators...

They should have Topher Grace who played the role of "Venom" in the last spiderman movie play the role of Spiderman in the next movie if they are looking for someone to replace Toby Maguire and not miss a beat. I remember having a conversation with someone once about how they could try out for a lot of the same roles.

Its always interesting when celebrities don't get away with something because celebrities are often given so much more flexibility/leniency. I bet that just about any known celebrity could walk into just about any business and that business would let that Celebrity work at the cash register for the day just for the heck of it. The manager would say, "OMG..its '____'!" Now they are at the cash register. If they have a camera crew with them its that much more likely. The implications of that are interesting to think about.

I havent chatted online with anyone who wasnt already on my friendlist since 2003. I decided to check out a chatroom for Nostalgia's sake a couple of days ago. There is no rhyme or reason to what chatrooms are labeled and who is in them: Apparently no one from any city is in their own chatroom...

Everyone has been prejudiced by something and had it affect their judgment/ perception. I guess the normal level of that is when someone wears a jacket as opposed to a heavier coat because someone told them that it was going to be 10 degrees warmer outside than it actually was. I guess that perceiving it to be a bit hotter than it actually is normal. The thing that I find interesting is when people are so prejudiced that they dont perceive what is happening in front of them AT ALL. I try to avoid that level.


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